On 15.12.2022. at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, the conference “Education during the Covid-19 pandemic in Serbia: a qualitative study” was held. The aim of the conference was to present the first results of the study that was conducted with the financial support of UNICEF and with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia, initiated in cooperation with the Institute for Social Research from Zagreb and the Faculty of Education in Ljubljana. After the welcoming words of the representative of the Ministry of Education, Jasmina Đelić and the representative of the UNICEF Office in Belgrade – Anne Maria Ćuković, the project coordinator, Zora Krnjaić, presented the results of the study conducted with primary and secondary school students, parents and teachers from all over Serbia on the effects of the pandemic on educational experiences and achievements of students, but also on peer relationships and family functioning. Recommendations for practitioners and decision-makers in education on mechanisms for recovery from the pandemic and mechanisms for strengthening the education system in Serbia have also been defined. After the presentation of the results and recommendations, there was a panel discussion in which, in addition to representatives of the Ministry of Education and UNICEF, dr Mojca Jurišević from the Faculty of Education in Ljubljana (Slovenia) and dr Boris Jokić from the Institute for Social Research from Zagreb (Croatia) participated. In the following period, efforts will be put on further dissemination of the results of this study, both at professional and scientific meetings, and through the media and scientific publications.
Konferencija „Obrazovanje tokom pandemije Kovid-19 u Srbiji: kvalitativna studija“